Find the Right Care

Female patient with doctor at her office

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Find the Right Medical Care

There’s nothing more important than finding the right medical care. Let us help you find the most appropriate and cost-effective way to get help when you need it most.

*Members with access to Teladoc Primary360 can receive these services through a phone, computer, or mobile app.

  • Find a Doctor

    Find the right doctor for your needs by your location or plan.

  • Teladoc®

    Teladoc allows you to talk to a doctor 24 hours a day, seven days a week for non-emergency conditions.


We’re here to help.

Call Customer Service at 800-447-8255 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

happy doctor has a video call conference with a patient using computer