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Health Insurance Claim Form - EmblemHealth, HIP, GHI
This form is used when seeking reimbursement for non-participating providers. -
Patient and Physician Statement Claim Form - HIP
Patient and Physician Statement Claim Form for HIP members -
Pharmacy Benefit Services Prescription Drug Claim Form - EmblemHealth
This form allows you to submit claims for EmblemHealth prescriptions. -
NYS Standard Form to Designate a Representative to Assist with Health Insurance Authorizations, Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals
Non-Medicare members may use this authorization form to assign a representative to file, assist, and receive information for a specific preauthorization request, complaint, grievance, or appeal. If you are looking to share a member’s protected health information for other reasons, use the Authorization to Use and Disclose Protected Health Information form. Submit via mail to EmblemHealth Customer Service Department, P.O. Box 1701, New York, NY 10023-1701 or through the member portal.
Member Handbooks
Your member handbook tells you how your plan coverage works to get the medical care you need and avoid out-of-pocket costs. Some sections of your member handbook have been updated. For information about the changes refer to the inserts at the end of the member handbook.
Enhanced Care (Medicaid)
Enhanced Care Plus (HARP)