Natural Healing: EmblemHealth Offers Acupuncture for Large and Small Groups

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Natural Healing: EmblemHealth Offers Acupuncture for Large and Small Groups


Did you know EmblemHealth offers acupuncture for large and small commercial groups, and on/off exchange New York Marketplace individual direct pay plans?

This benefit is covered for plans that are effective on or after January 1, 2018.

Acupuncture can help the body heal naturally. It can be useful as an additional or alternative treatment for pain-related to a variety of conditions.

We’ve partnered with American Specialty Health Group, Inc. (ASH Group)* to bring this new benefit to your groups.

Questions? Contact your EmblemHealth Account Manager, or call Broker and Group Services at 866-614-6040. A representative will be happy to help.

*This benefit cannot be used with any other ASH discount available to EmblemHealth members.

Broker Update