The following rules apply to EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. (formerly GHI) members. See the:
Special EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. Member Benefits
Diabetic Medications
For information regarding diabetic medications for EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. members, please refer to the Pharmacy Services chapter.
Blood Glucose Meters and Testing Supplies – EmblemHealth Medicare PPO and Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Members
EmblemHealth only covers blood glucose meters and testing supplies for Abbott Diabetes Care products.
Patients who need a change in their testing frequency or the type of meter or supplies used will need a new prescription. Patients new to our plans may obtain a prescribed Abbott meter at no cost by calling 888-522-5226 or by visiting the Abbott Diabetes Care website:
For questions, product support, or meter replacement, please direct your EmblemHealth patients to call Abbott Diabetes Care Product Support at 888-522-5226 or to go online at for assistance.
Members can receive mail order glucometers, Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs), and testing supplies from Better Living Now, with their doctor’s prescription. Orders can be placed by phone at 800-854-5729 or online.
Blood Glucose Meters and Testing Supplies – All Other EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. Members
For all other EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. members, medical/surgical supplies are covered as specified under the medical benefit with the participating vendor.
How to Request Preauthorization for EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. Members
Preauthorization for the NYC membership is managed by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (formerly known as Empire BlueCross BlueShield). Preauthorization is required for DME services costing more than $2,000 per unit/item.
See the Who to Contact for Preauthorization chart in the Directory chapter for instructions on submitting preauthorization request for EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. members. See the:
The preauthorization request should include:
- Request for prior approval
- Written prescription
- Name of DME vendor
- Applicable Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) form(s)
Written Prescription
To initiate coverage of DME, the provider must issue a prescription, or other written order on personalized stationery, which includes:
- Member’s name and full address
- Provider’s signature
- Date the provider signed the prescription or order
- Description of the items needed
- Start date of the order (if appropriate)
- Diagnosis
- A realistic estimate of the total length of time the equipment will be needed (in months or years)
Electronic requests for DME preauthorization must be accompanied by a fax containing the written prescription and any applicable CMN forms. All paperwork must be signed by the provider. Signature stamps are not acceptable.
Certificate of Medical Necessity
In addition to the written prescription, providers should fill out a Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) form when requesting customized equipment or oxygen therapy or when providing clinical information. Providers, not DME suppliers, are responsible for properly and conscientiously completing the CMN form for all prescribed DME items.
Filling out the CMN form involves:
- Certifying the patient’s need. The treating physician must certify in writing the patient’s medical need for equipment and attest the patient meets the criteria for medical devices and/or equipment.
- Issuing a plan of care. The treating physician must issue a plan of care for the patient that specifies:
- The type of medical devices, equipment, and/or services to be provided
- The nature and frequency of these services
Note: For home oxygen therapy procedures, current blood gas levels and oxygen saturation levels must be noted in the CMN form.
EmblemHealth accepts any of the standard CMN forms provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These forms can be found on the forms section of the CMS website. Providers must complete Section B of the forms accurately and clearly and transfer adequate notation into the patient’s chart to corroborate the answers supplied on the CMN form.
EmblemHealth’s DME preauthorization procedure is consistent with the CMS/Local Medicare Coverage Guidelines for all lines of business. These guidelines are readily accessible at and Anthem Medicare.
Preauthorization Issuance
EmblemHealth’s Care Management program reviews each preauthorization request to determine the member’s eligibility to receive the benefit and the medical necessity for the prescribed equipment or supply.
After Hours Preauthorization
In the event there is an urgent request for equipment requiring preauthorization that needs to be ordered on a weekend (5 p.m. Friday through 8 a.m. Monday) or on a holiday (5 p.m. the evening before through 8 a.m. the morning after), the provider should contact our emergency 24-hour prior approval line at 866-447-9717. All non-urgent requests will be processed on the next business day.
Discharge Planning
Notify EmblemHealth of the need for DME as soon as possible. Delays in ordering DME may compromise or delay a discharge from the hospital or rehabilitation center. Only in emergency situations should EmblemHealth be contacted on the day of discharge for DME.
Record Keeping and Claims Submission
DME suppliers who submit bills to EmblemHealth are required to keep the provider’s original written order or prescription in their files. Providers are required to document the medical need for and utilization of DME items in the member’s chart and to ensure information about the member’s medical condition is correct. In the event of a medical audit, EmblemHealth may require copies of relevant portions of the patient’s chart to establish the existence of medical need as indicated in the CMN form submitted with the preauthorization request.