EmblemHealth recognizes the diversity and specific cultural needs of its members. Clinical and non-clinical services are provided in a culturally and linguistically competent manner and promote equitable access to all members, including people:
(i) With limited English proficiency or reading skills.
(ii) Of ethnic, cultural, racial, or religious minorities and majorities.
(iii) With disabilities.
(iv) Who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or other sexual orientations.
(v) Who identify as transgender, nonbinary, and other gender identities, or people who were born intersex.
(vi) Living in rural, suburban, and urban areas with high levels of poverty.
(vii) Otherwise adversely affected by inequality or social determinants of health.
Members’ needs are addressed regardless of their gender, gender identity, language, health, religion, age, culture, family traditions and beliefs, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability.
Upon enrollment and thereafter, members select from a practitioner network and benefit plan services that meet their cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, age, and linguistic needs.
See the Directory chapter for available support services, including free interpretation services in over 200 spoken languages as well as sign language to meet members’ communication needs.
Our Enhanced Care Prime Network providers who care for our Medicaid, HARP, and Essential Plan members are required to take NYSDOH-approved cultural competency training and demonstrate to EmblemHealth that such training has been completed. All practitioners are urged to complete this training. EmblemHealth posts additional cultural competency training materials and offers free and paid continuing medical education (CME) classes in Learning Online.