Get A Strong Start For 2022

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Get A Strong Start For 2022


Here are the top 10 new and updated resources to help you manage your EmblemHealth and ConnectiCare members in 2022:

  1. EmblemHealth 2021-2022 Annual Provider Notice which details important changes for 2022, summarizes changes introduced in 2021, highlights key training and regulatory requirements, and shares helpful resources.
  2. Provider Portal videos and guides for EmblemHealth and ConnectiCare
  3. 2022 Summary of Companies, Lines of Business, Networks & Benefit Plans lets you know which networks and benefit plans fall under each of our companies’ provider agreements. This summary also tells you which plans require primary care providers and/or have referral requirements, out-of-network coverage, annual maximum out-of-pocket limits, and copays.
  4. New dedicated EmblemHealth and ConnectiCare Medicare Advantage webpages
  5. New EmblemHealth Commercial Plans webpage
  6. Updated Bridge Program webpage
  7. Updated sample EmblemHealth Member ID Cards
  8. New EmblemHealth Case/Care Management program library; also learn about ConnectiCare’s Care Management Programs
  9. New Enterprise Pharmacy Medical Policies webpage

The EmblemHealth Access & Availability Requirements page has not changed but is always helpful. 

Provider Update