New Pin Requirements

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New Pin Requirements 

 Your new PIN must: 

·       have 8 or more characters. 

·       have a mix of at least one of each of these characters:  

·   Number (Example: 1 2 3) 

·   Uppercase letter (Example: A B C) 

·  Lowercase letter (Example: a b c) 

·  Special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] \ | ; : ' , . ? / ` ~ > < " 

·       not contain User’s first name, last name, or User ID 

·       not be the same as any of your last 24 PINs 

Accounts will be locked after 5 unsuccessful login attempts. You will need to reset your PIN every 60 days. 


If you have any additional questions, please contact Provider Customer Service at 866-447-9717, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and a Customer Service representative will be happy to assist you.