Provider Portal Now Accepts Larger Attachments

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Provider Portal Now Accepts Larger Attachments


To make it easier for you to send us documents using the provider portal, we increased the file size for uploading supporting documentation for all transactions. You can now upload 25 MB per file. Here are some transactions you can use to send us documents:

  • Appeals (for adverse medical determinations).
  • Care Plans.
  • Claim Inquiries.
  • Grievances (for claim denials that do not involve a medical necessity determination).
  • Notifications – admissions from the emergency room and for newborns.
  • Preauthorizations, Concurrent Reviews,* and Discharge Plans.
  • Provider Profile Changes.


We encourage you to use the provider portal instead of mailing or faxing us documents so you can get your answer faster.


*For Concurrent Reviews: Attach documents to the original preauthorization request or case created by notification of admission from the emergency room (including maternity admissions).

JP 61585 03/2023

Provider Update