Use our Cost Calculator tool to estimate your prescription drug costs. Enter the prescription drugs you take and we'll show you your monthly drug costs.
These include drugs in the coverage gap, also known as the "donut hole." During the donut hole, you pay for a higher share of your drug costs, and your plan pays the rest.
EmblemHealth Medicare prescription drug plans will include preferred and non-preferred retail pharmacies. These are a group of pharmacies that contract with EmblemHealth.
Your drug may cost less if you use a preferred pharmacy.
With more than 27,000 preferred pharmacies in the plan’s network, including major retail chains and independent pharmacies, it’s easy to find one that’s near you.
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Neighborhood Care
Rx Cost Calculator and Pharmacy Locator
See Covered Drugs
Find the prescription drugs you take on our list of covered drugs called a formulary.
Last Updated 01/01/2024