The Truth About Osteoporosis

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The Truth About Osteoporosis

For National Osteoporosis Month, we were inspired to break some common myths about bone health and lay out the truth behind them.


“It’s inevitable, the older I get, the closer I am to osteoporosis!”

False. Bone loss or even osteoporosis can affect you in your 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. While your age and gender may play a large role, you can control many of the risk factors that lead to excessive bone loss, fractures, and osteoporosis, with medication, a healthy diet, and weight-bearing exercise. The truth is you can have strong bones at any age.


“Not enough calcium leads to osteoporosis.”
False. Calcium is essential to your bone health, however, simply taking high amounts of calcium does not guarantee strong bones. Other critical nutrients for bone health include vitamin K, magnesium, and strontium.


“I’m 60 years old, it’s too late to start taking care of my bones.”
False. Your bones are alive! That means it is never too late to take care of them and lower your risk of breaks because they are living tissue and are constantly repairing themselves.


“I’m a man, only women get osteoporosis.”
False. While it does affect women far more than men, men still make up 20% of all cases.


“Exercise makes you more prone to osteoporosis.”
False. Exercise is actually great for you! Regular weight-bearing exercise can reduce the risk of breaks because it strengthens bones and helps you stay strong and agile. If you are prone to fracture or if you have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis, we strongly recommend consulting with your doctor about which types of exercise are safe for you.


To learn more, we encourage you to talk to your doctor about your bone health. There’s a lot you can do to build bone strength, prevent osteoporosis and reduce fracture risk. As you are now aware, it is never too late or too early to start taking care of your bones.



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