Working From Home Survival Guide

How to stay well while working from home.

Young woman at home chatting with friends and working on laptop with dog

With many of us continuing to work from home in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, here are some to keep you well in your "new normal":

Mental Health

Work is as much a mental space as it is physical and once you bring work into your home, you’ll likely be distracted with everything from home chores beckoning, loved ones seeking attention, the next email coming through, texts, and so much more. Try some of these tips to help:

  • If you haven't already, create a dedicated space, if possible, so work feels like it occurs in a place in your home. This is equally important if you have others with you. Make sure they know that when you’re in the “office,” even if it's at the kitchen table, you’re at work.

  • When you have to get something done, minimize the alerts on your computer. Turn your email to “working offline,” put up a “do not disturb” on your IM, and turn your phone ringer off.

  • Make your own time. Block your calendar to protect time you need to think or write.

  • Create boundaries between you and your devices, now that they're always within reach. But also, have backups in place in case of technology issues.

  • Find a break between work and home life if possible – a quick workout, a walk, meditation – something to shift your focus and reset your mind. This will help you to leave work behind when you sign off and focus on home life.



Physical Health 

You'll probably be shocked at how stagnant you've become now that you're no longer walking to the bus/train, attending daily meetings, or popping out to grab lunch or coffee. You'll have to find new ways to get the physical activity you need. Here are a few ways how:

  • Create a new routine: Set an alarm for the same time each day, brush your teeth right when you wake up, and make sure you're drinking enough water and eating regular meals throughout the day. 

  • Walk around your home when you’re on a call or take a walk at lunchtime (bring your dog if you've got one!) to get some extra steps in.

  • Make sure to get up from your chair for a few minutes every hour or so and pay attention to your chair – add lumbar support or a pillow and raise/lower the height of your computer.

  • Try using a yoga ball as a chair or your kitchen counter as a standing desk for an hour or two. 



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